通过admin.py 在Django后台注册自己的路由(对应自己的视图) 实现代码 要在一个 app 里面的 admin.py 添加如下代码(实际上就一个简化的 model) 代码语言:javascript 复制 # django2\apps\business\admin.py from django.contribimportadmin from django.contrib.adminimportAdminSite from django.httpimportHttpResponse...
django-admin 命令¶ 应用程序可以用 manage.py 注册自己的动作。例如,你可能想为你正在分发的 Django 应用添加一个 manage.py 动作。在本文档中,我们将为 教程 中的polls 应用程序构建一个自定义的 closepoll 命令。要做到这一点,将一个 management/commands 目录添加到应用程序中。Django 将为该目录中名称不...
参见 Django 聚合社区,我们将全球 Django 社区的内容聚合至此。聚合社区中的很多作者编写了本快速指南文档。异步支持 使用REMOTE_USER 进行身份验证 Additional InformationSupport Django! Anders Innovations Ltd donated to the Django Software Foundation to support Django development. Donate today! Contents 操作指南...
classSomeModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):defadmin_action(self,request,queryset): To add csv export toHeroAdminyou can do something like this: actions=["export_as_csv"]defexport_as_csv(self,request,queryset):passexport_as_csv.short_description="Export Selected" This adds an action called export ...
In this tutorial, we will connect to and enable the Django admin site so that you can manage your blog website. The Django admin site comes pre-built with a …
Start the project Once you’ve installed Django, to start a new project you call thedjango-admincommand-line utility and run: django-admin startproject<project_name> It’s worth mentioning that some names are reserved for Django —djangoordjango-admin. Don’t worry if you get an error. Just...
First, we need to tell Django where we’ll store the hacked admin template in the base directory. Se we’ll need to edit myproject/settings.py. firstly, find the TEMPLATES constant and this DIRS key: 'DIRS': [], Change that code to this: 'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templa...
Run the following command to run your new Django project: ./manage.py runserver This will start a server which is listening on port number 9090. 8. Connect the Django Admin interface Open your favorite web browser and type this URL http://your_server_ip:9090/admin (change ...
django-admin.py does not work in Ubuntu. Correct is just django-admin. This came up with going through the getting started tutorial...I am evaluating django as an alternative to php frameworks... quality/quantity of documentation is a large differentiating factor in productivity. Thanks for...
1. Python: Django is a Python web framework, so a solid understanding of Python is essential. So, if you’re new to Python, we highly advise you to learn the basics first and build a foundation before you start learning Django.