Blackberries are hardy plants that are relatively easy to grow. However, growing from seed won't produce berries the first year. The seeds require stratification the first year and will grow the second year. Blackberries are hardy plants that rarely contract disease or attract pests. There are t...
If you like to jam with a bit of a kick then we have the recipe for you. The Chilli & Ginger Jam really packs a punch and is perfect if you love all things hot and spicy. We recommend trying this jam on cheese scones fresh from the oven or alternatively
Strawberries are best grown in a dedicated bed where plants are allowed to run and establish new plants. Strawberry planting calendar 6-8 weeks before the last frost in spring start seeds indoors. 2-4 weeks set seedlings out into the garden. ...
Field peas have smooth, hard seeds and are easily stored. Smooth seeds are starchy and are most often used whole or split into soups, stews, or cooked and eaten plain. Common field peas are either yellow or green and are grown specifically for drying. Other field peas are the black-eyed...
Lime plants are a smaller version of the familiar lime citrus tree but they don't need a tropical climate to produce delicious fruit. Pruning Blackberries For A Bigger Harvest: How-To Guide Pruning blackberry bushes can be prickly, but it's worth doing for a bigger harvest of juicy berr...
How to plant raspberries Raspberry canes are produced three ways: from the seeds of fruit that fall; from the root base of the previous year’s canes; and from suckers that grow straight up from the mother plant’s roots, which can be a foot or more distant from the mother plant. ...
✓ It’s not labor intensive since there is no tilling involved: You can (and should) plant right into your freshly solarized lawn. Disturbing the soil can bring weed seeds to the surface. ✓ Speeds up the breakdown of organic matter improving soil structure so plants have more nutrients...
Shrubs such as blackberry and raspberry bushes thrive in the tree canopy's shade. Vines grow in the shade but also climb up trees to benefit from full sunlight. Ground plants such as strawberries and lettuce grow in the shade on the forest floor and cover remaining available ground. As high...
Each page includes Web Resources links for pictures, seeds, recipes and more. The Latin names for the plants are linked to Wikipedia pages for those that want to learn more about each plant. In the description table for each plant, terms that are not common are linked to information and pi...
Learning aboutpruning blackberry bushes, as well as dewberries and other fruits will ensure that you stimulate growth as much as possible. How to Grow Dewberries Many people who want to grow dewberry plants don’t realize that they have a vast, lateral-growing root system. ...