In response to your feedback email, all I can say for now is that I'm ready to start my wormery in the next couple of weeks. I don't think there anything missing now. You ebook has all the information I need to get started. I'm currently getting the required equipment needed to s...
To make a wormery, first get a large jar that has a wide opening. Put in a layer of soil, a layer of peat, and a layer of sand. Water the soil well. Now dig some worms from a garden and put them in your wormery. Don't bury the worms! They'll take care of that themselves....
You’ll need a compost bin, or designated area ready to fill with organic waste in your garden or allotment. It’s best to start with all your biodegradable material chopped up and broken into smaller bits. This allows all the material to break down evenly and quickly. Also, add in a ...
It's not always clear whether orange peels belong in the compost bin. You'll see gardening blogs that say citrus is too acidic for composts and that it contains toxins. This advice does not apply to regular, backyard compost bins, but only to worm composting. A wormery is a closed compos...
Sowing into plug trays of potting mix is an easy way to start seeds Sow your seeds according to the packet instructions, then water. Watering requires some care – you don’t want to blast the mix out of the container, so use a mister or a watering can fitted with a very fine rose...
"I would add two parts compost to one part leaf mold. This should be fine for your tomatoes and peppers for a few weeks until you plant them outside." Ben Vanheemson Sunday 28 March 2021 "Thanks so much, I’ve used this mix to start off all my veggies this year. Can I reuse th...
10. Start composting your green waste Your local council may already collect food waste. However, if you have a garden or want to grow some of your own vegetables, it is worth considering a small composter or wormery. You can keep a wormery inside, and it won’t smell, but itwillbe ...
“brown materials” and nitrogen rich materials are known as “green materials.” Too much brown, carbon rich material slows down the composting process significantly, because the nitrogen rich green materials are necessary to speed things up. Too much green though, and you get a stinky, wet ...