Learn how to host a Mastodon server: 1. Set up a relay SMTP server 2. Secure the server 3. Prepare the system environment + more.
Both “streaks” and “Snapstreaks” refer to the same feature. A streak will start when you send snaps to a friend for three consecutive days. Each streak will only be between you and one friend, meaning you can maintain more than one streak at once. After you send snaps to people for...
If the next CEO of Microsoft crashes and burns, that may result in a different verdict.”While the specifics of every transition differ depending on the circumstances, any CEO who’s excelled in the role but now senses it’s time to start thinking about the endg...
PROMPT #2: The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? Essays about overcoming obstacles should focus more on solutions...
A Ukrainian colonel involved in arms development says drone designers commonly query ChatGPT as a “start point” for engineering ideas, like novel techniques for reducing vulnerability to Russian jamming. Another military use for AI, says the colonel, who requested anonymity, is to identify targets...
Learn how to write a cover letter that actually get results with this simple framework (templates included - they're 100% free)!
When we are tending to our hearts, we will be passionate about the things of God. When we are passionate about the things of God, people will notice. Often, they will be the ones to ask us questions. This overcomes the biggest hurdle in witnessing: start the conversation. Watchfulness in...
Another great example is fromDavid Marquet, former commander of the USS Santa Fe. He took the ship from “worst to first” and achieved the highest retention and operational standings in the navy. In his bookTurn The Ship Around, David recounts a situation when a petty officer broke an imp...
I added a splash of whisky in the mix because I think the guy forgot to mention it. His recount of the recipe was kind of like, “guys! boil your peppers in honey!” so he left a few things to the reader’s sensibilities. I chose this perky 1792 High Rye, to add a tannic depth...
The withdrawal of romantic love activates the same mechanisms in our minds and bodies as an addict withdrawing from substances. Similar to an addict, we start looking for a fix to soothe our intense cravings. Spending hours thinking about them is a “fix.” ...