In 1970, Ford Motor Co. even considered marketing the vehicle, but the decade's oil crisis dashed those plans. These pioneers never managed to develop a viable flying car, and some even died testing their inventions. However, they proved that a car could be built to fly, and inspired a ...
A Predator MQ-1 comes in for a landing after firing one of its Hellfire Missiles. Photo courtesy U.S. Air Force The only thing better than having a robotic airplane assist forces in making decisions about how to fight a battle is to have a robotic airplane actually fight the battle fo...
They say we started out as scavengers. In the savage wilderness of the African plains, we chased the vultures away from the bones of last night's predator kills, broke open the leg bones, and feasted upon nutrient-rich marrow to become the brainiacs we are today. You might say scavenging...
Firstly, start with those criteria that you wanted to have your aircraft meet. I find it useful to sketch out a very rough drawing on paper. It doesn't matter how good or bad you are at drawing, it's just so that you can get an impression of your ideas down. You really don't wa...
there is a special tool that screws onto the engine where the oil filter is. hook your guage to that, if the pressure stays good at the bottom of the engine, it is not the pump. then you can start looking at an oil problem in the vlom assembly. or top end. Reply James ...
A widower, Marlin the clown fish lost his wife Coral and 400 children of his children in a predator attack on the outer edge of their safe reef. Now responsible for his only remaining son, Nemo, Marlin is neurotically overprotective and must overcome his own fears to save his son, and le...
Gone are the days when marine biologists had to blindly guess about shark behavior. Nowadays, cameras mounted to the world's most feared predator offer direct insight into their feeding habits, movements and general interactions [source: Landau]. Other Uses for Helmet Cams This skier will get ...
The drive uses a motor to rotate the media at a high speed, and it accesses (reads) the stored information using small devices called heads. Each head has a tiny electromagnet, which consists of an iron core wrapped with wire. The electromagnet applies a magnetic flux to the oxide on the...
It was a fun toy, but it could be much more. Although born in Ukraine, Tolchinsky served as an Israeli Defense Forces sniper in Lebanon in 2006, and appreciated the military value of being able to see over the next hill. Eight years of tinkering later, drones from his startup Atlas ...
making it harder to detect by the assumption making, shape-from-shading analyzer in the brain of a predator.(化妆效果也是一个例子) full moon: it looks like a flat disk, but it is a sphere. because of the craters on its surface. mind "sees" things: if we wrap an object in some kin...