04 - Tips - 11:24 - Starting a Combo - 11:37 - Snail-Tapping - 12:00 - S-Tapping in Rod PvP - 12:17 - Circular Strafe - 12:40 - Outro - 12:57 Some very good videos that I have found over the years; use these for advice on other topics: - Strafing - https://www.you...
With virtually endless randomly generated biomes to discover,Minecraftexploration involves walking — a lot of walking. Granted, you can sprint all the time, but you’d better have a good stockpile of food on hand because running will burn through your Hunger. Alternatively, you could get yoursel...
If you've ever played on a Minecraft PVP server, you probably have been destroyed and lost all your items. If you want to live and get tons of loot, this article is for you. Get a good look at your arena and the people are going to be...
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In Creative Mode, double-tap this key to fly. Press the left joystick straight down (like a button) while you’re moving to sprint faster. Press the “B” button on Xbox and Nintendo consoles or the “O” button on PlayStation consoles to sneak (or fly downward if you’re in ...