Fortunately, the amount of copper fungicide you’ll apply to your garden won’t be enough to kill your plants or harm you or your pets, only the bacterial or fungal disease you’re trying to treat. Thereisa limit, but you likely won’t find it any time soon. Still, you should be su...
Black spots on plants are caused by a mixture of fungus and bacteria that can spread and kill a plant. Most commonly the fungal disease appears on the leaves of miniature roses, where the black spots turn yellow and the leaves fall off. The black spots can also spread and create purple s...
Milk Spray Milk spray is another fantastic way to tackle powdery Mildew on watermelons. It is usually made with 40 percent milk and 60 percent water. It is a very popular home remedy that works in many plants. If you are looking for the best results, then spray on the plants every 10 ...
Place a layer of mulch over the soil in the spring to cover any fungus spores on the surface of the soil. After removing affected plant tissue, spray liberally with a disease-control fungicide such as: Potassium Bicarbonate Lime Sulfur
Mix a 50:50 milk to water solution in a spray bottle and apply to leaves of plants. Sulfur in dust form can keep disease at bay. Be sure to apply while wearing a mask so the dust doesn’t irritate your eyes and mouth. The “Cornell Formula” is a well known natural fungicide, ...
Prepare trenches 6 to 8 inches (15-20cm) deep and 4 to 6 inches (10-15cm) wide. Seedlings will be transplanted to the bottom of the trench. As plants grow backfill soil around the plants until the trench is eventually filled. Leeks can be planted in soil-level beds. Mound up surroun...
Bonide Copper Fungicide I like to dip cuttings in some copper dust because it’s quick and easy. You can find a pound or four pounds of Bonide Copper Dustat Arbico Organics. Otherwise, I just use a spray and give the area a little spritz. ...
You can make an effective remedy by adding a tablespoon of baking soda, to a tablespoon of non-detergent liquid soap, and a tablespoon of salad oil. Mix into a gallon of water. Shake the whole solution well and spray it onto plants with powdery mildew. ...
For natural fungicide solutions that are safer for the environment, try using treatments such as: Neem oil:Combine 4 tablespoons of neem oil with 5 liters of water. Spray onto the fungus infection every few days until the infection is gone. ...
Once you identify the fly or bug damaging the blossom and boring holes in the fruit, you can learn how to apply and when to spray fruit trees with organic fungicide, insecticide, copper or dormant oil for a healthy harvest. Read on to learn how! Note...