And you know, I want to talk about it from the misinformation perspective as opposed to what some people call disinformation, when people are intentionally telling falsehoods to harm people. But Drew, something in misinformation that sometimes I think we all forget is when people are misinformed...
Misinformation and disinformation is surging — making it even harder to distinguish fact from fiction. And taking an already high-stakes situation up another notch. what's happening 🗣️ In culture… Turns out, mediums may have a bright future ahead — as therapists and fashion consultants....
“The best way to protect yourself against fraud and disinformation online is the old-fashioned way, which is to think about where you’re getting your information,” Farid explains. Look at most of the content you absorb from social media with a grain of salt; there’s a much lesser chan...
He says identifying deepfakes is increasingly important, especially given the hyper-partisan world full of race-and gender-related tensions and the dangers of disinformation—particularly violence. "Unfortunately, a big chunk of these kinds of fake videos were created for pornographic purposes, and tha...
Concerns about AI have run the gamut of social and political possibilities, but almost all argue the technology has untold potential to advance the reach of disinformation. Nonprofit public policy center the Brookings Institute, for example, argues that while many fears surrounding AI's potential mig...
However, research by Farid and others reveals that there are strategies you can follow to reduce your risk of falling for social media misinformation or disinformation created by AI. How to spot fake AI images Remember seeing a photo ofPope Francis wearing a puffer jacket? Such fake AI images...
rates. Scammers spin up convincing-looking phishing attacks and sites that harvest personal info, also at record rates. And we’ve further seen bad actors use so-called “deepfake” technologies to clone the voices and likenesses of public figures, whether for profit or to spread disinformation....
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Whether they aim to spread disinformation, commit fraud, or rile up emotions, malicious deepfakes try to pass themselves off as legitimate. Consider a video clip that looks like it got recorded at a press conference. The figure behind the podium says some outrageous things. Did that really hap...
Fake news is a term that didn't really exist more than a few years ago. The concept, however, is as old as news. Taking away the obvious political association, fake news can refer to anything from propaganda to spin to deliberate disinformation. There are always people out there trying to...