Well, now we know what it takes to get me to write a new blog post: The gentlest threat of legal action I've ever received! I mean, compare and contrast the start of the Firepower debacle, or these guys, with this genteel and civilised missive. From: Andy McCutcheon <Andy.McCutcheon...
A ramjet is a type of air-breathing jet engine that operates on the principle of compressing incoming air without the need for rotating parts. It relies on the high-speed forward motion of the aircraft to compress air, making it suitable for supersonic and hypersonic flight. Ramjets are effi...
Whether you’re trying to fix a BSOD such as a IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL or a CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED error, serious Windows troubleshooting is like plunging down the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland. At some point you may feel like you’ve taken on more than you can handle, you’re in...
If you are caught in a rip current, here are some safety tips (from NOAA): Remain calm to conserve energy and think clearly. Never fight against the current. Think of it as a treadmill that can't be turned off, which you need to step to the side of. ...
Hawaiian surfboards had been 10 to 16 feet (3 to 4.9 meters) long and made from solid wood. They could carry a person from the breakers to the shore, but they were heavy and hard to steer. Twentieth-century surfers made improvements to surfboards that allowed riders to control how and ...
2. Thickness:Look for a wetsuit with 3/2mm or 4/3mm thickness; they are suitable for most surf spot conditions while giving you a nice balance of warmth and flexibility. 3. Entry System:Look for a back-entry zip system as this will be easier to put on and take off for less experienc...
The purpose of the strapline or slogan in an advertisement is to leave the key brand message in the mind of the target (that's you). It is the sign-off that accompanies the logo. Its goal is to stick: "If you get nothing else from this ad, get this..!" A few well-known exampl...
The world is changing fast. Technology is changing even faster. One of my pro tips for travel planning last year has been scrapped. I didn't just scrap it, I put a warning on it. How to plan a solo trip in 2025 is, in many ways, the same as last year but, in significant ways...
There are times where I have thought of just getting a base mini just for Xcode only and move everything else to PC as the cost is definitely less. Something I might do once my current machine dies in a few years. Sure the Mac is small but eh, not the deal breaker for...
This week, X’s icon is lodged next to the calendar widget on one of my home screens, ensuring I’m frequently reminded of that toxic platform. This is an overdue upgrade. Uninstalling X’s Android app and replacing it with a Web shortcut was the latest step in a spiral of ...