Below we see lead water supply entry main piping. Cast iron piping used for in-building drain piping as well as sewer lines is shown at FIND the MAIN BUILDING DRAIN, and at How to Use a Power Snake on Building Drains you can see a common splice-in of ABS plastic drain piping into an...
• NEVER splice a damaged cable. • NEVER repair a damaged cable. • ALWAYS replace a damaged cable with a new one. • ALWAYS replace ANY damaged insulation and water-proof covering after EACH inspection of the cable. • ONLY connect the plug to a receptacle installed according ...
The refrigerator had been installed without a shut-off valve or any slack in the water / ice-maker line. When we pulled the fridge away from the wall, it ruptured the line, spraying water everywhere. In the basement, this same water / ice-maker line was installed with an illegal saddle ...