How to unlock The best ant set in the game is the Fire Ant Set. While the set benefit is acid splash, each piece imparts corrosion, letting you deal a little bit more damage. An additional ranged acidic splash that deals additional damage could be launched by this effect. Analyzing a fi...
Splash! Hydro is one of the 7 Elements in Genshin Impact. Currently, there are only 4 playable characters that have Hydro visions, but there have been rumors of an upcoming character possibly using Hydro. Of course, take that claim with a grain of salt. In this article, get to meet all...
[Top 5] Kenshi Best Sabre Weapons And How To Get Them Sabres are weapons that take the heavy slashing and cutting damage of Katana’s but add a splash of blunt damage, sacrificing some of the cutting damage in the process. They are outstanding when used defensively with a fast attack that...