Oh, this is an interesting one: it tells us that we can expect entries to be coming from all over the English-speaking world, as well as that the judges will expect Ima to have spell-checked her entry. (Always a good idea, right?) When a contest’s rules go out of its ...
The vultures are circling him and he is focussed on destroying me. I have found the only way to deal with a control freak is through the JADE system. No justifying No arguing with them No denying No explaining Keep your thoughts to yourself and try to muddle through the best you can....
There are five vultures nearby in the desert. By walking toward them, Agent 47 can force them into the air. When all five vultures are shot down out of the sky, anice creamtruck comes roaring onto the scene and strikes Lenny, sending him hundreds of feet into the sky. Advertisement We'...
Mary was up half the night suffering from diarrhoea which she could not even spell. Eventually she managed to get to sleep and woke up feeling drained of energy.She had had no meal the previous night ,please accept a pot of yoghurt. when she got up she put her clothes on on top of ...
Court’s ruling was a scandalous assertion of the vulture funds’ “rights” to loot Argentina, paying scant attention to the legal merits of the case, but rather fulminating against Argentina as a “uniquely recalcitrant debtor” which hadn’t shown proper respect for the killer vultures. ”...
If a bird lives in the Southeast and there isn’t a huge range in temperature, and it has enough to eat, it might be a resident bird. But turkey vultures that live further North will migrate farther South, so the whole population doesn’t move—only portions of it. I think that’s ...