like how to spell difficult words. For example, the first letters of this sentence: 'bigelephantscauseaccidentsundersmallelephants' spells 'because'. Now, do you think you can remember the words we heard today, Rob?
The problem is that utopia has a menacing underbelly. First, itspursuitcan cause profound harms to those who happen to be standing in the way. This is why utopian fantasies have fueled some of the worst atrocities in history: If the means are justified by the ends, and the ends are quit...
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US -- 0 Likes Reply pedz Enthusiast In response to p4pictures 02-20-2024 11:50 AM I went looking to see if the format of this file is known. I found a thread that said that the settings...
I LIVE on Sesame Street. It's apparent to me when I make the five-minute walk from home to the place where I work, or when my wife heads five minutes in the other direction to her job. Along the way, we usually run into friends at the corner grocery store, or wave to people we...
Music Session, Vol. 1" and similar to her short Youtube quips, she bares her versatility on songs like "Pencil Pouch," "Spookie Coochie" and "Body Offer." The project oscillates between R&B, Miami bass, Boom bap, and Alternative Hip Hop, each track unveiling a different spell-binding ...
Of course, the people in charge of this utopia of the elites will be the ones with the prescience to anticipate it, the skill to guide us to it, and the power to run it – namely, those elites. Moses brought his people to the Promised Land but never entered it. Modern elites won’...
Simon Sinek:[00:37:27] Joking aside, I mean, Bob, his company is one of those companies that we should be learning from. It's a funny-named company, Barry-Wehmiller, we don't really know even how to spell it. But his work is really important and I'm glad that people now know ...
You cannot evoke the spirit of this sacred text without remembering that the script bears deep, deep scars. Friendships, families, even the greatest of nations have been torn apart over the principles these words so carefully spell out. Young and old, rich and poor, men and women of all ra...
Ursula, in which she exchanges her voice in return for a magic spell that transforms her tail into legs. Ariel then has three days to make Eric fall in love with her, signified by a heartfelt kiss, or else she will return to her mermaid form and be Ursula’s prisoner. After overcoming...
they see billions of people no less worthy than you of a good life who just happened to be born into inferior circumstances; they see an uncertain future ahead that hangs in the balance between utopia and dystopia for life on Earth—a future we can actually push in the right direction if...