It’s not the end of the world, but remember, your team may have to spell it out to anyone who calls … and that’s a LOT of work. So what’s next? Check domain name registrars for availability. There’s nothing worse than coming up with a great business name, and then having ...
When you decide which database provider is best suit your needs, you can safely comment out or remove unneeded providers in the switch-case of this file, then related schema files can be removed as well; note that some small additional work may be also required....
4To disable auto-correct Slide “Auto-Correction” to “Off” to disable auto-correct, then slide the “Check Spelling” option to “Off” to disable automatic spell check. You can also disable Auto-Capitalization, Enable Caps Lock and the “.” Shortcut from this screen. 5International Keyb...
You should get into the habit of shredding your unneeded paperwork regularly. A paper shredder is not a big investment. Plus, you might even have the option of enjoying the departure of your bills and other nuisances by burning them in a fire pit. Either way, the point is that you do ...
Many IT project managers don’t write a project scope this way and believe it’s an unneeded bureaucracy. But the fact is this exercise reduces the chances of project failure. Notice that it’s a simple description of the project scope tailored to thecustomer’s understanding.We try to spel...
I prefer using the built-in VBA functions over FSO because in my experience the VBA functions are an order of magnitude faster than using FSO. (It is possible to read the entire file into a single variable, akin to what Rich suggested, should you wish to do that instead...) ...
The main aim was to enlarge the room of options one has to be creative, to spell them out, to change the perception a little to value ones own ideas and indi- vidual creativity. I will not and cannot take responsibility, legal or oth- erwise, of what will happen if you use the ...
The February full moon is often called the Snow Moon. That name probably doesn’t need explaining, but it does seem to be the month when the most snow falls. This is a good time for ritual to clean out the old unneeded “stuff” we are holding on to both on the mundane and spiritua...
This is an indication that you didn’t do the step correctly. Check if you have the miss spell the directory name etc. And also make sure you have logged out in order to take effect. Related Posts –So per your idea, I used the Migration Wizard to back up my profile. I then enable...
Slide “Auto-Correction” to “Off” to disable auto-correct, then slide the “Check Spelling” option to “Off” to disable automatic spell check. You can also disable Auto-Capitalization, Enable Caps Lock and the “.” Shortcut from this screen. ...