Trauma-informed therapy further enhances this process by providing a structured, supportive framework tailored to the needs of traumatized children. Ultimately, it is the quality of relationships that can make a profound difference. A single positive, modeling adult has the potential...
Before proceeding to spell out some trouble that follows from judging feelings, I want to be clear here that there are very good reasons to sometimes judge feelings negatively (I return to this at the end of this blog). Feelings are primitive, animalistic response sets that orient t...
He has one poor hen so traumatized that she won’t step out of the run. All the others go roaming about and she is all alone in the pen all day. If she knows he is locked up, she will go out and be a happy normal gal. Patrick started as a pet and a chick here. Hubby can...
It’s not. My dad’s seen many kids come into his office traumatized just because of what the toothbrush signified at home.Here’s what you don’t want: You don’t want the toothbrush to come out and for your kids to want to run away from this thing that invades a sensitive part ...
but remained calm while I used scissors and a brush to cut out matted fur and lightly groom. Anybody having dealt with this traumatized high-strung pooch would appreciate how shocking a development this is. She’s friendly sweet girl but hates for her tail and butt to be touched. Yet, the...
privacy for you to read my private letters.She was traumatized when the robbers invaded her house.Victor Hugo once observed that an invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.On September 3, 1939, World War Two began, two days after Hitler invaded Poland....
has been a prominent advocate for victims. but even she struggled to scrub nonconsensual intimate images and videos of herself from the web. paresh dave bill gates traumatized his parents—and other stories of a wild, wonky youth terrorizing classmates, spending a night in jail, tripping on ...
But how do we spell out degrees of reprehensibility? One way of doing this, drawing on Aristotle, is to claim that the less “necessary or natural” the motive (or motivating passion), the more reprehensible it is.Footnote 23 An alternative is to draw on Kant, and to measure the rep...
Oh, this is an interesting one: it tells us that we can expect entries to be coming from all over the English-speaking world, as well as that the judges will expect Ima to have spell-checked her entry. (Always a good idea, right?) When a contest’s rules go out of its ...
“I just kept reinforcing the fact that it didn’t have to be that way. That it was unacceptable treatment. I didn’t know the circumstances, but I knew it had traumatized her. For me it was about making sure that she understood that it wasn’t the whole picture.” That whole, ...