The Republican candidate has opposed all measures to toughen environmental protection laws in our state for the last 2 years.French artist Marc Chagall observed that in painting all colors are the friends of their neighbors, and the lovers of their opposites.Sholem Asch once said that not the...
Oregano, like most plants started indoors, requires a hardening-off period before transplanting to the garden. Place the plants in a sheltered outdoor location, such as a porch, for about a week. If there is a danger of frost, move the plants indoors. The hardening process toughens the p...
There is a limit to the rate at which your body is able to get energy from its fat stores. If your daily calorie deficit exceeds the amount of energy your body can get from your fat stores (about 30 calories per pound of fat) the difference will come from the breakdown of muscle and...
That being said, when I first introduced to my new “brother in law” the Marine , there was a hidden understanding that my Dad had advised him to toughen me up. While I waited for the tow to come, I made a list of lessons learn and options to follow. This making of list was an...
When you let the dumplings cool, the skin of the dumplings will begin to gelatinize. This brief cooling process also helps toughen up the dumpling skin. This will make the dumpling more durable for the journey from the basket to your spoon.[2] Soup dumpling skins are very fragile, making...