You can literally turn any event into something interesting: “Just yesterday I was cooking this mean spaghetti, but I ran out of tomato sauce and resorted to using ketchup packets instead! I was terrified of how it’d turn out.” Stir emotions: Stir the pot of emotions with questions ...
Picture this: A student throws a handful of spaghetti at his friend during lunch out of anger, misses, and hits a teacher in the cafeteria. The lunchroom monitor writes up the incident, forcing the student to apologize in writing to the teacher. The following week, the student gets angry ...
Shake it up: Make a list of potential words - think throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks. Then play with the words like a set of Legos, arranging and rearranging in different orders and phrases and lengths to see where you land. Imitation is the best form of flattery: Be...
Noodles, gnocchi, linguine, macaroni, ravioli, spaghetti, tortellini, fettuccini, lasagna, manicotti, orzo, rigatoni, shells, vermicelli, and ziti. Most of those are pretty long and hard to spell. But NoodleSnob, MacaroniSnob, RavioliSnob and SpaghettiSnob aren’t too bad. For even more ideas...
The old presentational methods will feel awkward and distasteful, primitive in their crude brutality. You’ll view the source of a site you built a year ago and cringe in embarrassment, wondering how you could ever think such sloppy, unintuitive spaghetti code was remotely acceptable. When you ...