Imagine you are charged with naming the crown jewel of the national park system. Reasonably, you want to honor the Native Americans who once lived there. You decide to focus on something for which these First Nations people were famous. Therefore, you decide to call this park “The Killers....
These names spell out what a company or service sells or offers. Consider JustTires or SuperGlue. Judging by the names, it's pretty clear what these brands offer or do. Unless the specific product or service you're introducing is truly brand new, it could be hard to come up with a ...
I am not sure what pseudo-logic Dr. Paul and Dr. York are prescribing, but according to my spell checkersociologicis not even an actual word. My dictionary definesphysiologicalas “characteristic of normal, healthy functioning”. In other words, paraphrasing the doctors: The offense is more so...