A week ago, Gramma had a stroke, which was one of her greatest fears. The next day, Glenda said it was a good time to visit her, so I did. What I found was so sad: Gramma had lost control of most of her limbs, with the exception of her right arm, and her expression was cons...
Following up on enjoying the winter landscape, some people got specific with sledding. I loved going sledding at places like Dutchess Community College or Mills Mansion growing up. They had some amazing hills to go down. The only problem was trudging back up! lalakukla on Instagram said "Sled...
10. Choose a dream to have tonight: I'm sitting in a sunny window and drinking a cup of tea that's never empty. I'm a fish swimming upstream, feeling the cool water on my skin. I'm a raindrop experiencing the entire water cycle. I'm sledding down a snowy hill that just keeps...