A GOP takeover of the House could spell an abrupt end to the practice, but experts like Georgetown’s Glassman doubt whether McCarthy could put this particular genie back in the bottle. “The challenge is, have too many Republicans become too happy with this?” Glassman asked. The danger ...
sires 5 sirup 7 sited 6 sites 5 situp 7 situs 5 sleds 6 sleep 7 sleet 5 slept 7 slice 7 slide 6 slier 5 slily 8 slipe 7 slips 7 slipt 7 slits 5 slued 6 slues 5 slurp 7 slurs 5 slyer 8 slype 10 specs 9 speed 8 speel 7 speer 7 speil 7 speir 7 spell 7 spelt 7 spice...