Grapes require a cold spell during the winter (but not a killing freeze), warmth in spring for flowering and fruit set, and heat and sunshine in summer to ripen the fruit. Dessert grapes and wine grapes are not difficult to grow in the home garden. Grapes grow well in most regions. Rel...
The lawn is in disarray and the shrubs have grown up over the front porch. The lack of attention to the house makes it stick out like a sore thumb. The neighbors hate it and none of their kids will go near it. None of us know why it still sits vacant. It’s either the economy ...
There is still enough soil above the bulbs to allow you to overplant the tulips without damaging them.To help you plant your tulips more easily, you can use a traditional bulb planter, or bulb planting trays. If you're planting through herbaceous plants and shrubs or through grass, a bulb...
Living in an area that is undergoing a dry spell doesn’t mean you have to give up on gardening. There’s a lot you can do in the garden with less water. Grow Learn More How-To Videos Cleaning Nozzle with Swivel Connect™ Bring new life to your deck, windows, and more with Gilmou...
For shrubs and specimen plants, use a clean, sharp saw or pruners to remove dead or broken branches close to the trunk, and remove any unwanted stems by cutting them close to the soil. Mature, full-grown trees rarely get leggy, but they can be pruned hard if rejuvenation is needed. ...
Vegetables require regular watering in order to flourish. As these crops tend to be quickly-growing compared with trees and shrubs, their needs vary based on environmental conditions such as heat or drought. If they’re not getting enough, your vegetables could wilt, drop leaves or produce malfo...
Common oleander (Nerium oleander) every part of these shrubs, including the seeds, is poisonous. Coral tree (Erythrina genus): the leaves, bark and seeds are poisonous. Cycads: poisonous daffodil, poisonous: Daphne: all parts of this popular ornamental shrub are poisonous, especially the attractiv...
Perennials include trees and shrubs such as pears, apples, almonds, peaches, walnuts, and hazelnuts. Some herbaceous flowering plants and ground covers also belong to the perennial type.Genetically Modified OrganismsPreviously, breeders selected the best specimens to give plants desired characteristics, ...
The bulbs use the energy that is brought in by the leaves to grow bigger for the next season. If you cut the leaves off, your flowers will be smaller or may not come back at all. Instead, try planting perennials or small shrubs in the same space as the the bulbs. When they start ...
They bloom in the summer, when there are few other trees and shrubs providing that service. The larger varieties grow rather quickly, providing a bit of shade in addition to the seasonal color. Whether you spell it crape or crepe (keep in mind that the Crape Myrtle Society of America ...