Last, if your company heavily relies on one or more social networks to reach users, you should check the availability of social handles. It could be highly undesirable to pick a company name and realize later that existing social media accounts are using that name. Free of infringements on e...
I live in Toronto and I’ve been in Canada for 10 months, so if you can help me please please let me know! Thank you for your lessons!:) Kishanth Would you like to have private lessons in Toronto? If so, please contact me with your email and I will give you the details!
Caroline Cummings An entrepreneur. A disruptor. An advocate. Caroline has been the CEO and co-founder of two tech startups—one failed and one she sold. She is passionate about helping other entrepreneurs realize their full potential and learn how to step outside of their comfort zones to ca...
The young wordsmiths who take part in these exciting events study root words and etymology to spell in front of an audience, quickly and competently. Participating in spelling bees, and the practice required to compete, not only helps children develop spelling skills and reading comprehension, but...
Scroll back to the top You won’t need a Phoenix feather, dragon scale, and spider to write a graceful resignation letter. It’s not a magic potion, and it doesn’t require a spell. What you really need is a pinch of gratitude and a sprinkle of discretion. I’ll share a template ...
Many individuals are caught off-guard, and blame the registrar, when they get a bunch of spam/scams because they didn’t realize their contact information was publicly published online as part of their registration. And if text exists on the internet, bots will scrape it when given the ...
Sure, customize where possible, to the extent you’re able to. But also realize that if your prospect needs something you can’t provide, they might not be a good fit after all. 9. “I Need to Get a Few More Quotes.” The shopping around sales objection is frustrating, but very comm...
Short names work best for several reasons. For starters, they’re easy to remember, spell, and type. You only have to think of the most popular sites like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Amazon, Apple, to realize there must be a logical reason for choosing a short domain name. ...
Without conducting a name search, you may accidentally infringe on an existing trademark and may not even realize it! If there are no pending trademarks for your business name, then the name is available to claim and trademark. Conduct a Name Search (State Level) As you check business name ...
You’ll quickly realize that you’ll need total commitment to be successful, however. “You cannot just do it part time,” Poole says. “You have to be kind of obsessive about it.” To have a beginner’s level of understanding – where you could navigate through an English-speaking city...