Spell Critical Gradual Ravage Health Restore Health Vile Coagulant Timidity Ravage Health Restore Magicka Protection Alchemy Guide Trait Discovery In this section of the Alchemy Guide you will learn how to discover all the traits of the flowers. This is the list that you should follow, assuming you...
How to solve the ancient spell circle puzzle in Tarisland The puzzle starts with the secret light in the middle of the platform.Interact with the lightto move into a private instance and start the event. There are a few things to pay attention to in the new instance. There’s a core i...
Quest markers will eventually lead you to the Khajit. After speaking to Ember, players will learn that she’s lost control of a spell, upsetting nearby Motes and turning farm animals into humans and Magister Irin’s chef, Huldressa, into a guar. Ember will ask for the player’s help, a...