It’s not only about spell check and grammatical excellence:When editing your persuasive speech, you’ll re-check your arguments, ensure that your language and tone are appropriate (say no to pompous and jargonistic phrases), and check that the overall speech is engaging and not too complex ...
How do you spell Extentuate? verb (used with object),ex·ten·u·at·ed, ex·ten·u·at·ing. to represent (a fault, offense, etc.) as less serious: to extenuate a crime. to serve to make (a fault, offense, etc.) Can a person be scintillating? If you say someone is scintilla...
New Style:Today, effective business emails are more direct. A similar email now reads, “I’m reaching out about the proposal we discussed.” Writers communicate clearly and succinctly; they avoid the pompous and verbose style of the past. Corporate Memorandums Old Style:In corporate memos fro...
Being able to spell, punctuate and um, write is sort of expected with the profession. I appreciate that some people have dyslexia, or are terrible spellers. I’m severely ADD and often my sentences go off the rails…which is why even I hire pros for the polish. We need our work at ...
If you say that someone or something is pretentious, you mean that they try to seem important or significant, but you do not think that they are. [disapproval] His response was full of pretentious nonsense. Synonyms: affected, mannered, exaggerated, pompous More Synonyms of pretentious. Is ...
2) Spell-Check: friend and foe.Spell-check is a marvelous invention, but remember that a human eye is usually necessary to avoid unintended meanings. As humorist Dave Barry points out, spell-check would say “A-okay!” to the following: “Deer Mr. Stromple: It was a grate pleasure to...
Discover offbeat rhythm and pacing.Chapters must have a perfect flow that depends on the action. If the action is building, write in short sentences to move the story faster. But don’t use too many in a row, or your work will sound clipped. To slow the story, write in longer sentence...
Nature has a way of dispelling the great conceit that all her ways can be captured within the frame of a single scientist’s perspective. Humility makes scientists receptive to this lesson. Intellectually virtuous scientists are concerned to impart knowledge as well as to obtain it. ...
Re: RFD: How To Recognize Bad Javascript Code Jeremy J Starcher posted : >This, right here, this is why people get irritated with you, I think. >Maybe you just like being a pompous arrogant , I dunno, but most other >people don't care for it. You lack that internal filter that ...
Olivier didn't rate his portrayal, but O'Toole was one of the few to stand up to him, saying: 'Please stop behaving like a pompous, ill-mannered, resentful, tuppence-ha'penny failed politician.' Bravo! 5 From 1963 until 1976, the National Theatre Company had a temporary home at ...