To decipher, the recipient would first look at the first letter of the encrypted message, a "K" in this case, and use the Trimethius table to find where the "K" fell in the "D" row -- remember, both the cryptographer and recipient know beforehand that the first letter of the key ...
Makes me wonder how those Navajo native American Indian construction workers on the upper most floors of the being build skyscrapers of New York City do it – walk to and fro across those dangling in mid air I-beams without a care in the world. Oh well, God gives His gifts to people ...
To decipher, the recipient would first look at the first letter of the encrypted message, a "K" in this case, and use the Trimethius table to find where the "K" fell in the "D" row -- remember, both the cryptographer and recipient know beforehand that the first letter of the key ...