Use this form to ask questions or to leave you comments about the word How do you spell mother in Spanish? Use esta forma para hacer preguntas o comentarios de la palabra ¿Cómo Se pronuncia madre en Inglés? ParaCrawl Corpus Use this form to ask questions or to leave you comments...
Take Spanish Quiz Now that you know how to spell mother, Take this translation quiz to test you knowledge of the word mother and other similar words. Ya que sabe como pronuncia la palabra MADRE, puede tomar este examen para comprobar que ya aprendió a traducir la palabra MADRE y otras ...
SPSpell Power(gaming, World of Warcraft) SPSpell(logging abbreviation) SPSpecial Price SPSpecialized(finance) SPSet Point SPSystem Procedure SPSwimming Pool SPSpare Parts SPSecurity and Privacy(IEEE Symposium) SPSuperior Performance(video tape format) ...
Take an epic rail adventure into the Copper Canyon for river kayaking, zip-lining and opportunities to learn from remote Indigenous Rarámuri communities.
Every language on the planet has its own way to say "mom" — after all, it's many peoples' very first word. Spanish is no different. Whether you're using the word madre for "mother" or a more colloquial term like mamá for "mom,"...