it gives them a reason to care about answering the question, and then it calls them to act. Most DMs figure out the whole “presenting the PCs with a dramatic question” thing intuitively. Many even figure out that “reason to care” business. But many DMs screw up the call to action....
enjoy this as much as her but she was really happy and ever since her and my dad were divorced she hadn't been I let her do what she wanted she told me to follow her an we went to the basment I was never allowed there she layed me on the bed and started dancing around this ...
They layed over night in engine oil before instalation. Thankfull for any ideeas! Reply Ketil Lea says: August 29, 2018 at 8:57 am Took the heads off again. On the AFM lifters that dosnt work i have installed them With the oil hole Down! Installed them again, all facing...
The spell isn't interested in the value of the items you lay out, it's interested in the value of the metal that they are manufactured from. This is not the same thing. For example (credit to Dale): 'A new sword is worth 15gp (7.5gp used) and weighs 3 lbs - most...
So, now with the background layed out, age ranges in Pathfinder are not very proportional. If you compare the average starting age for an intuitive class (arguably, the closest line to biological age) to average max lifespan, you find that some races are "children" for a greater portion...
Generally, casinos are layed out with the action in the middle and the services around the perimeter. Notice where the restrooms and emergency exits are located. Look at the floor to identify where the main walkways are, should you become lost. Also notice the overhead signs that indicate ...