Go for the Most Common Spelling: If there are multiple ways to spell your name in English, choose the most commonly used one. Avoid Unusual Spellings: While you can be creative, sticking to standard spellings makes it easier for people to read and understand. 6. Don't...
The method for that is very similar to the one presented above, the only difference is that you have to add/use a class name from the Main Menu item. Add extra:.item-123- where 123 is the ID number from Menus: Items (Main Menu) > last column. I used 123 as an example, in your...
My name is ___. I specialize in / My role is ___. I want to reach out because ___. My goal is for us to grab coffee / hop on zoom / connect on LinkedIn. Next step is ___. Best, [Your name] Depending on the person you’re “meeting,” you would probably mention ...
- Spell your name in full, including surname. We notice tutors putting their Christian names only, etc. - In 'Experience Summary', be as detailed as possible. 2. We charge 50% of the first month's tuition fees as commision. 3. You give consent to receive notifications from us regarding...
Is the name for just your blog or are you naming a business too? Is the name easy to spell or say? What if you want to change your niche? What is your blog going to be about? As we coveredchoosing your blog nichein chapter 1, we’ll assume you already know what you’re going ...
... The name Paul is common, with variations, in all European languages (e.g. English, French, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Greek, Russian, Georgian). How do you spell the word phonetically? Phonetic spelling or reading When children spell words the ...
Try learning how to spell first, this might help…Alexandra on November 11, 2012 at 11:33 AM I’m a sophomore in high school and in my writing class, we have to write a novel (at least 10K words) this month. (It’s National Novel Writing Month, check out their website for more)...
My mother emailed me last week to ask if she was using the word “nor” correctly, which brings us to today’s post: the use of either or and neither nor.
Leave it as is; and let the reader create their own sound in their mind and stick with it - even though it is most likely in error? A better solution ? thanks. My view is 'stick to your guns' and spell it as it should be spelled (though not going so far as to replace Us with...