My ongoing reflection draws me closer to a view that we need to view complexity from both an epistemic AND ontological perspective and that whilst POSIWID can be extremely useful it can also detract unless the organisation has good mechanisms in place to explore, test and either embed or reject...
This weekend we visited four different libraries and the library with the best Halloween decorations was Waverley Library!! ️🦇🎃🐈⬛ Otto had his very first Judo grading!! He's so proud of his new belt Otto trying out some more paper
“Well, everyone has a newsletter so we ought to, too.” If that’s how your newsletter started, fine. But from this day forward, we want it to exist for a purpose. We want it to earn attention. And if it’s going to do that, it needs to provide measurable value to two groups:...
The numbers of migrants trying to cross from the Libya on the coast of north Africa to one of the EU's southern nations is increasing. Europe's impoverished southern nations can't cope. And in the better off nations of northern Europe immigration is a toxic issue which is fuelling the ri...
Detective’: show the student(s) a tricky word written on a whiteboard and ask the student(s) to read and orally spell the word. Turn the board away and erase a letter. Show the student(s) and ask them to identify the missing letter. The missing letter should then be written in ...
One thing we were taught was. It was no use saying you know something if you could not put it down on paper. To put it down on paper you had to know what to write, and most importantly spell the words. So during our study time, we were paired off in twos and told to quiz each...
It is hard to get people to queue up for that type of show, even more so when they also have to play a part in the performance. Richard and I have both been labelled as highly cynical and pessimistic but nothing is further from the truth, we’re what Richard calls, frustrated ...
As an example, an Intel processor may be labelled as an i7-10550U. Below, I will explain what this means and what to look for in a processor when buying a laptop for photo editing. Core version:The first two digits in the name refer to the core version. Up until the 14th generation...
Air ionizers can also help because they replace UV-generated ions that are more prevalent in the summer. Seasonal Affective Disorder Meanwhile, management has gutted many rooms of the building with a number of studios and rooms closed off, while others have been labelled semi-safe, with air io...