The only difference is that since Japanese has two alphabets, by custom, katakana is used to spell out words of 'foreign' origin, and hiragana is used for everything else. Your first step with Japanese: hiragana For a beginner, learning the hiragana is the most important first step you ...
If your goal is fast fluency, you’ll want to focus more on learning to read kanji. It’s becoming less necessary to be able to write kanji, and more important to be able to spell it out in hiragana on a phone or computer. While kanji can be daunting, it’s still highly important...
How do you spell dog in Japanese? 这个在 日语 里怎么说? 查看翻译 Ayu8 2017年5月19日 日语 犬 いぬ イヌ🐶🐶🐶 Show romaji/hiragana 查看翻译 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) 有帮助 (0) galdento 2017年5月19日 英语(美国) 1 like [来自HiNative]Hi!正在学习外语的你 你知...
Hiragana is a convenient way to “spell out” a word if you don’t know how to write its kanji but you do know how to say it. However, using kanji saves a lot of space, and if you learn to understand how kanji are made, you may even be able to guess what some characters mean...
You witnessed how convenient Japanese can be when it comes to not having to spell out every piece of information. However, there are situations where omission simply doesn't work out. For example, even if your friend believes the context is obvious for both of you, what if you totally spac...
In order to write the plain verb “eat” in Japanese, we must use hiragana to add a verb ending to the kanji 食, which becomes 食べる (たべる –“taberu”). To conjugate this to the plain past tense “ate,” we change the hiragana ending (and thus pronunciation) but not the root...
Comparable to learning Japanese hiragana and, Nothing compared to the challenge of learning Chinese! Whether you should learn the Thai script depends on your circumstances and goals. In my two-week project, for example, I decided not to learn, because I felt the time was better spent on conve...