Book smart doesn't have a lot to do with your overall intelligence, but I think this quiz is more focusing on your intellectual knowledge. BananaMan (52917) 2023-12-17 I liked it. my score was good. it said I was good at spelling but I can't spell what it said I was...
There were no such stipulations when London gave Dublin a three-year-old male giraffe called Albert in 1844. He was a huge attraction until his death in 1849 and his popularity aided the Zoo’s survival during the Famine years when the council struggled to feed the animals. Horseflesh and ...
Female Luigi was always a conscious choice as they double as Rosalina later in the show, although the other candidate of the final two during auditions was a fabulous drag queen who would have brought a different and brilliant dimension to both roles - definitely still o...
I am unwilling to suggest to poor countries that there is ‘another way’, as Mr Williamson suggests there may be; such advice reminds me of the IMF telling poor countries in east Asia in the 1970s and 1980s to get rid of capital controls at...
There’s a 500kg gorilla in the corner of the room when discussing Asia’s remarkable rise over the past few decades: why has the success has been so uneven? Japan, South Korea and Taiwan in the northeast have become fabulously wealthy while the Southeast Asian states, such as Thailand, ...
The Kahuzi-Biega Forest is also home to Eastern lowland gorillas (a critically endangered species related to but distinct from the more well-known mountain gorilla). In 1970, the government enacted a law creating a national park called the Parc National Kahuzi-Biega (PNKB) under an initiative ...