it was popular to use groups of letters to signal words. It was also common to spell the words incorrectly, using the wrong letters, as a joke. A Boston newspaper used the letters “O” and “K” to mean “oll korrect.” The O meant “all”...
3. Deutsch, D, 1995,The Speech to Song Illusion, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,vol.55, pp18-19. 4. Deutsch, D, Henthorn, T, Lapidis, R. 2011, Illusory transformation fromspeech to song, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.S Hammond...
Critical to this is knowledge of which neurotransmitter receptor subunits are expressed by iPSC-derived neuronal cultures being studied, how their activity responds to antagonists and agonists of these receptors, and how to interpret data derived from multi-parameter electrophysiological recordings. This ...
How Do Banks Reach a Decision on Lending? ASKTHEEXPERTS