Explain gaps in your resume.These may include gaps from being laid off or fired, taking a break to raise children or a string of short-term jobs. Addressing any unique circumstances gives you the chance to explain why those experiences add to your qualifications. For example: Pro tip Always ...
Looking for pronunciation of words? Phonetic translators on our site show you how to pronounce words correctly! Check out our pronunciation courses and tools!
阅读理解We use a dictionary for two main reasons: to find out how to spell a word and to find out the meaning of a word.All the words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order(字母顺序). If the first letter of a word is “a", you can find the word at the front of the dictiona...
So, based on tradition, e-mail is the correct way to do it. Why spell it email? In the case of email, it can be argued that the widespread use of the unhyphenated spelling has made this compound noun an exception to the rule. It might also be said that closed (unhyphenated) ...
A spelling dialogue box will be displayed after going on to the last cell, where any value is stored and identifies any spelling error. If you want to start to spell check from somewhere else, let’s take an example, cell D5, it will simply go through all cells of Row 5 and then ...
Easy to spell You should choose a company name that people can spell, so that when they hear about your company, they can find it easily online. If people have to guess the spelling of your company name, you're introducing unnecessary friction. Some of those users give up before they fin...
Bonus: The word “beautiful” is often considered hard to spell. Many people remember it from this silly movie quote: Patience and Consistency Improving your spelling is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires sustained effort over a period of time. Maintain a consistent routine of practice and...
Easy to spell You should choose a company name that people can spell, so that when they hear about your company, they can find it easily online. If people have to guess the spelling of your company name, you're introducing unnecessary friction. Some of those users give up before they fin...
And a friend of mine found a couple of typos that I just didn't spot after endless spellchecking. It was only by hitting Publish that I was able to move on, then come back to add the updates and feedback. Reuse, reuse, reuse. I often get people asking me how I can produce so ...
The word opposite sentence English words and Examples of Usage Example sentences with the opposite, a sentence example for opposite, and how to make opposite in sample sentence, how do I use the word oppositein a sentence?spell opposite in a sentence? spelling of oppositew Follow...