For example, Emily is building a product to streamline personal banking and decides to use words such as "bank" or "savings" in the company name. The name could be a problem in the future if Emily decides to launch a product to streamline investment portfolios. Think about all the adjacent...
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Explain gaps in your resume.These may include gaps from being laid off or fired, taking a break to raise children or a string of short-term jobs. Addressing any unique circumstances gives you the chance to explain why those experiences add to your qualifications. For example: Pro tip Always ...
Some people think that spelling is no longer important and indeed technology has made it easier to get by without knowing how to spell many words. Even so, it is still important. Being able to spell properly allows you to communicate clearly in writing. It helps you to avoid mistakes. Even...
Easy to spell You should choose a company name that people can spell, so that when they hear about your company, they can find it easily online. If people have to guess the spelling of your company name, you're introducing unnecessary friction. Some of those users give up before they fin...
Answer to: Knowing that addition is the reverse of subtraction and how to spell elaborate illustrate ___ memory. a. semantic b. procedural c...
The word opposite sentence English words and Examples of Usage Example sentences with the opposite, a sentence example for opposite, and how to make opposite in sample sentence, how do I use the word oppositein a sentence?spell opposite in a sentence? spelling of oppositew Follow...
You need to do something with it, for example, making flashcards of critical – or important– concepts and then testing yourself on them. Alice By repeatedly testing yourself on something, you strengthen the pathwaysbetween neurons – o...
Example: 例子: He was aHindu, apuny wispof a man, with ashavenhead andvagueliquid eyes. 他是一个印度人,身材瘦小,剃光了头,眼神模糊。 6. Use a comma toseparatethe words that, who, and which 6.用逗号分隔单词tha...
1 :consisting of or measured in moneypecuniary aid pecuniary gifts. 2 : of or relating to money pecuniary needs pecuniary rewards. How do u spell monetarily? The definition ofmonetarilyrelates to currency, money or money flow in an economy. An example of monetarily is expressing the benefits...