How do you spell the number 40? This is some confusion about whether its forty or fourty, thanks in part to history, but in this article we clear up the confusion and explain without doubt how to spell the number 40. Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your writing shines? Grammarly ...
In this guide, I’ll walk you through the entire process, step by step. You’ll learn how to set up your site with WordPress, customize it to fit your needs, and even add new functionality to it – all without writing a single line of code. Plus, I’ll share budget-friendly tips ...
Learn how to pronounce the letters of the English alphabet -- essential for telling people your email address, and sometimes even your name. If you learned English in a school, this might have been one of your first classes, but people who have learned b
Some easily confused words and phrases won’t be picked up by every spell checking tool (“its” and “it’s” are easy to confuse, as we saw in one of the bad examples above), so proofread slowly—and consult an online thesaurus if need be. Incorrect personalized details. If you’re...
How to be a great remote manager - the complete guide How to build a remote team How to contribute to GitLab's all-remote guides How to create the perfect home office setup for remote working How to embrace asynchronous communication for remote work How to evaluate a remote job ...
Case in point: after initially publishing this article I remembered two additional tools to add in. And a friend of mine found a couple of typos that I just didn't spot after endless spellchecking. It was only by hitting Publish that I was able to move on, then come back to add the...
Generally speaking, there are four basic steps to the process: 1. Listen Don’t just let your prospect spell out their objections – actuallylisten.Chances are you’ll be able to anticipate potential objections before they even occur. I’ll talk you through the most common concerns – and h...
It’s fine to start it sooner, though. On the other hand, if your child still cannot find the misspelled word or cannot spell it correctly, take more immediately action. Have your child spell the word with letter tiles right then, and ask questions that get him or her thinking in the...
The spelling of “pronounce” is what leads writers to spell “pronunciation” incorrectly. They use “-noun-” instead of the correct form—“-nun-”—which drops the “o.” 7Separate Misspelled forms:seperate, seprate Speaking of pronunciation: How you say the word “separate” could lead ...
My mother emailed me last week to ask if she was using the word “nor” correctly, which brings us to today’s post: the use of either or and neither nor.