我曾是Tempo Storm,Cloud 9,Gale Force Esports和Naventic的风暴英雄职业队员。 我的成就包括BlizzCon冠军,美国大学生联赛冠军(加州伯克利大学队),Dreamhack冠军,多个排名第一的成绩,并多次被选拔为欧洲和北美风暴英雄联赛分析师和特邀嘉宾主持人。我计划制作视频评论/指南,旨在帮助玩家在某些英雄和某些地图上进行一些改进...
我曾是Tempo Storm,Cloud 9,Gale Force Esports和Naventic的风暴英雄职业队员。 我的成就包括BlizzCon冠军,美国大学生联赛冠军(加州伯克利大学队),Dreamhack冠军,多个排名第一的成绩,并多次被选拔为欧洲和北美风暴英雄联赛分析师和特邀嘉宾主持人。我计划制作视频评论/指南,旨在帮助玩家在某些英雄和某些地图上进行一些改进...
like how to spell difficult words. For example, the first letters of this sentence: ‘big elephants cause accidents under small elephants’ spells ‘because’. Now, do you think you can remember the words we heard today, Rob?
After clicking the first spellbook, players can then click another basic ability key to combine the two and use the corresponding spell. For example, if a player wishes to fire off Hwei’s Severing Bolt damage ability, they will have to press Q to access the Disaster spellbook, and th...
You’ll need to be fairly close to the enemy to cast Petrificus Totalus. Screenshot by Dot Esports Stronger enemies won’t be one-shot by this ability, but instead will take a chunk of damage before quickly freeing themselves from the spell’s effect. In this case, I recommend preparing ...
eSports is one of our biggest pushes and when we first set out to look at how to best serve the various communities and pro scenes one thing became clear: consistency is key. There are quite a few sponsors who are happy to get on-board for a big event a few times a year which is...
•DOrecall when you have enough gold to complete or add a piece to the item you’re working on, but avoid recalling when you’re 50 to 100 gold short of your purchase. •DOuse your control ward before you start to channel the spell, even if you’re hiding in the brush. ...
In Dota, very minute details can help you win a teamfight, or even help you escape from one if you pay attention to them. One of the deciding factors is movement speed, which sadly most players tend to ignore. If you find yourself in a sticky situation, then you may find it hard to...
Research on mnemonics suggests they are a good strategy for learning certain kinds of things, like how to spell difficult words. For example, the first letters of this sentence: 'bigelephantscauseaccidentsundersmallelephants' spells 'because'...
All the Eternal Spell quest steps in Enshrouded Make your way to a buried tomb in the Low Meadows region. Screenshot by Dot Esports This is a quest you can receive from the Alchemist, who tells your character about an endless supply of magic.You will need to make your way to a buried...