It has taken a great deal of energy, which has not been so difficult to summon as the necessary patience to wait, simply wait much of the time - until my instincts assured me that I had assembled my materials in proper order for a final welding into their natural form. — Hart Crane ...
KingThéodenlet his kingdom be overrun as he had been asleep - under a spell. A wicked counselor to the King named Wormtongue had been whispering in the King's ear to stay asleep. Another counselor to the King was Gandalf, w...
Elon Musktook to Twitter to propose a solution for theRussian war in Ukraine. How did the billionaire plan to resolve what world leaders have not yet managed to fix? By challenging Russian presidentVladimir Putinto a “single combat” duel with Ukraine on the line.Insiderreports that controversi...
and not to hollywood card sharks like those his former son-in-law tobey maguire gambled with. “this wasn’t some casino on the strip,” the journalist james andrew miller wrote in powerhouse, an oral history of caa. “the ‘guys’ meyer was on the hook to only swam i...
I can easily claim victimhood now just for being a "white male," especially after a hiring committee in 1986 admitted to me that they had only called me to an interview because they thought that "Kelley" was a women's name. But I know why the Friesian School isactuallymarginalized and ...
Glenn K. Beaton is a writer and columnist living in Colorado. He has been a contributor to The Wall Street Journal, RealClearPolitics, Powerline, Instapundit, Citizen Free Press, American Thinker, Fox News, The Federalist, and numerous other print, radi
Coffeezilla: [01:05:10] I mean, again, it's the delusional fake it until you make it. Like a little bit is okay, but too much will get you into a world of trouble. And the idea here for everyone who hasn't caught on yet, just to spell it out is Harvard hadn't sanctioned th...
The Mayflower Compact famously begins with, "In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent…" and then goes on to explain how they will expand the Caliphate. In 1630, the great imam, John Hussein Winthrop, wrote "A Model of Muslim Charity," a speech just peppered with quotes from the Qur'an....
This Studio Ghibli fantasy tells of a woman named Sophie who is cursed with a spell that causes her to grow old prematurely — and throughout the film, she frequently struggles with her confidence. Every time Sophie becomes more self-assured, she looks younger again. The moment she grows ...
who bet billions on the iphone—3 years before it existed how softbank ceo masayoshi son convinced steve jobs to make the deal of the century. lionel barber neo-nazis love the nazi-like salutes elon musk made at trump’s inauguration the far right is celebrating what it views as a clear...