In Gods Unchained, players embark on a journey to liberate the six gods defeated and imprisoned by the Titans. They utilize potent magic to wage war against the Titans to free the captive gods and humanity. The powerful spell required for this conquest is from the digital cards in the ecosys...
an error, a wound, an unexplainable longing, or a sense of a mission. When any of these happens to us, we are being summoned to make a transition. It will always mean leaving something behind,...The paradox here is that loss is a path to gain. —David Richo ...
Elon Musk took to Twitter to propose a solution for the Russian war in Ukraine. How did the billionaire plan to resolve what world leaders have not yet managed to fix? By challenging Russian president Vladimir Putin to a “single combat” duel with Ukraine on the line. Insider reports that...
I can easily claim victimhood now just for being a "white male," especially after a hiring committee in 1986 admitted to me that they had only called me to an interview because they thought that "Kelley" was a women's name. But I know why the Friesian School isactuallymarginalized and ...
Fletcher founded Depeche Mode in 1980 with Vince Clarke, Martin Gore and Dave Gahan. In earlier renditions of the band, he played the bass guitar, but he switched to the keyboard as they evolved toward a synth sound. Their 1981 debut albumSpeak & Spellhelped place the electronic group within...
Coffeezilla: [01:05:10] I mean, again, it's the delusional fake it until you make it. Like a little bit is okay, but too much will get you into a world of trouble. And the idea here for everyone who hasn't caught on yet, just to spell it out is Harvard hadn't sanctioned th...
Ward Cleaver, ofLeave it to Beaver Not really. Just seeing if you’re paying attention. I couldn’t – and still can’t – get past the fact that this dude calls his young son “The Beaver.” What’s up with that? Tony Soprano, ofThe Sopranos ...
“in tears at goodbye to andy,” who has joined his ship, the h.m.s. edinburgh, for a two-month spell in australia. the public has finally decided that all her overt displays of her feelings are a bit, well, common. a polo acquaintance who was in l.a. for the hollywood dinner ...
If that isn’t worrying enough, it is impossible to predict exactly where the pieces that don’t burn up in the atmosphere might land. Given the object’sorbit, the possible landing points are anywhere in a band of latitudes “a little farther north than New Yor...
He has sold hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of merchandise bearing his name, ranging from hoodies to sticker packs (some that sport the catchphrase “Haters gonna hate. Mahomies gonna love.”). Sometimes, when he goes to his favorite San Antonio mall, he has to bring his bo...