But they didn't, and come to think of it, why should they know about something so far outisde their specialty? I figured they, and others, could benefit from an explanation. The full details of an industrial-strength spell corrector are quite complex (you can read a little about it ...
Oh, this is an interesting one: it tells us that we can expect entries to be coming from all over the English-speaking world, as well as that the judges will expect Ima to have spell-checked her entry. (Always a good idea, right?) When a contest’s rules go out of its ...
In the play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, love’s complication is demonstrated by the dissension between Titania and Oberon. The two characters Titania and Oberon are in a fight over the fact that they think the other person fell in love with someone else. Because of their fight, the ...
they generally align withCalifornia's statutes, which call for judicial dissolution whenever the members are deadlocked or mired in internal dissension.