establishment feminism does not really support the independence of women. It promotes removing husbands as the support and protection of women and substituting the government instead -- a government usually of unaccountable and unsympathetic bureaucrats whose capacity, after all, is not really to love ...
It did not work for Nazi bureaucrats and it does not work in a science or art project (in the case of the hadron collider the only difference will be that St. Peter's Gate will replace Nürnberg). Keep in mind that no matter how many people are working on the project, you are ...
On the dark side of the account are the faceless bureaucrats of the IMF and their American and British paymasters, President Marcos of the Philippines and his kleptocratic successors, and the Singaporeans. They are all excoriated for advocating or pursuing a faulty growth model. Things have not ...
The Bush administration played down Saddam's darkness after the gulf war. Pentagon bureaucrats compiled dossiers to support a war-crimes prosecution of Saddam, especially for his sordid treatment of POWs. They documented police stations and "sports facilities" where Saddam's henchmen used acid baths...
Within a 48-hour period, the order has to be placed beforea committeecomprising senior bureaucrats from the Ministry of Law and Justice, Ministry of Home Affairs, and others. Based on the committee’s recommendations, the order is either sustained or revoked. If sustained, which is the case ...
Unruly clients in the Atlantic zone of Costa Rica : a study of how bureaucrats try and fail to transform gatekeepers, communists and preachers into ideal b... State-peasant relations in this book are studied by focussing on the strategies which farmers and bureaucrats deploy in a colonisation ...
The official opacity of hundreds of millions of Indians hampers economic growth and emboldens corrupt bureaucrats.” It’s just incredible to think that in this day and age, not everyone who is born into the world is documented as even being alive. It’s incredible, as an American, to ...
Bidinotto like a most Americans holds subconsciously or consciously holds that the ‘troops’ are the ultimate expression of the country. (Extrapolate downwards for police officers, emergency services, bureaucrats, etc.) They’re right up there with kith and kin. ...
According toMarketWatch: "The fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban has led to grave concerns about the safety of Afghan citizens and foreigners alike, but also raised questions about the future of the nation’s vast mineral reserves, once valued at as much as $3 trillion. ...
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