Think about the impact this brand has had – the jobs created, the technologies developed, the contribution to global economies. It's a significant player in numerous industries, influencing how we live, work, and travel. Understanding the company's history helps to gras...
The ultimate guide brand naming for creatives who want to learn how to brainstorm names for your clients, or an entrepreneur who's looking to brand a name.
In today’s competitive world, having a unique and memorable brand essence is essential to stand apart. In a nutshell, A brand essence is a core idea or value that forms the fundamental foundations of your brand, and it is what makes your brand unique and different from others in the same...
A standout brand name is distinctive, easy to remember, and reflects your overall brand identity. Here’s what you should consider: Message and meaning: Your name should hint at what you do or the values you hold. Simplicity and memorability: Your name should be easy to say, spell, and...
☐ Memorable ☐ Easy to spell ☐ Easy to say ☐ Safe in other languages ☐ Future-proof ☐ Availability of a .com domain ☐ Free of infringements on existing trademarks Score: ___ / 8 Next unit: The importance of personal brand...
Hard to spell Too vague Too narrow in focus Potentially offensive Forgettable Look for names that let your target audience know what you’re all about at a glance but don’t box you into a singular purpose always. For example, you might like to name your business Eternity Rugs if you sell...
Starting a business is a pursuit that appeals to many, but not everyone knows where to start. This guide will walk you through the elements of starting a business and explain what you can expect as you embark on the journey.
Simple to spell and pronounce:The last thing you want is for people to struggle when reading or writing your brand name. Simplicity is key. Recognizable:Whether it’s through musicality or a metaphor, a good brand name should stand out amongst the crowd. ...
These names spell out what a company or service sells or offers. Consider JustTires or SuperGlue. Judging by the names, it's pretty clear what these brands offer or do. Unless the specific product or service you're introducing is truly brand new, it could be hard to come up with a ...
Spell out your brand voice Include image and data viz guidelines Get an insider look at how to create a cohesive and actionable brand strategy.Download a FREE copyof this eBook we created with HubSpot, the famous CRM software. Learn how to avoid common mistakes ...