We gotta lift, now that once makes you sleep. My sweet swan. Look at him go, to the lake, the ancient lake. There we are. He’s old. Look at his kick. How you know, sure he isn’t starring in the movies’ feature, I’m certain. Saint Glenn, nobody’s walkin’. Blue Steel...
AS I begin my trajectory home toward the familiar and routine, I’m having a hard time taking off my bracelet, unpacking my souvenirs and saying goodbye to the weekend. I’m having an even harder time seeing anyone dream of complaining. Thank you Phish, thank you CID Entertainment, and th...
Early cultures used meteorites to craft weapons and jewelry long before anyone knew how to extract iron from ore.
Let's say David approaches a woman and starts talking about her bracelet. Then as she's talking about the bracelet David asks and she reveals that she got the bracelet in Rome so her and David talk about Rome for awhile. The conversation continue on about this and that and David finally...
A wish bracelet is a fun craft project made from hemp string and beads. A wish bracelet is designed to eventually break down, the beads falling off one by one. You make a wish when you put the bracelet on. Once the beads are gone, your...