sometimes it can become very tricky depending on the origins. Dutch including other languages has contributed to the English slang but that does not mean its a bad thing. Bimonthly can be used as an adjective, adverb and noun so that may confuse people...
Aria brushes her hair back, staring at the nodding man, half trying to get him to notice her. He’s off in his own world and doesn’t seem to detect her. “He looks so cute listening to his music,” she thinks to herself. “I wonder what makes him so different from everyone else!
employees’ work time to accurately pay them. To create a timesheet managers must consider many variables such as their employee’s time cards, pay period, hourly rate, regular hours, overtime hours, mileage log, among others. Timesheets can be submitted weekly, biweekly, monthly or bimonthly...
I sat down on Clarity and decide to just let the clouds drift across the mirror surface of the lake. This was the reward of waking up prior to the sun. I smiled and recalled my parking lot partner catching the first fish of the day. There was the arc of his rod and the slow metho...