What is a fascia board? The fascia board isthe long wooden board behind the gutters on a house. It connects to the roof rafters, closes off the attic and serves as the mount for gutters. ... A damaged fascia can be the starting point for other roof problems and potentially lead to da...
Where's the best place for a séance? The living room? Your kitchen? The attic? It's important that wherever you choose to conduct your séance is going to have as few interruptions as possible. You want to find a safe and private place where you can set the mood. You don't want ...
he’s already dead, and there’s nothing to save. But it’s worth forcing your way into his house for theDribble the Clown quest. I chose to lockpick the front door, and when someone got mad at me, I used the spell Dominate Person to get them to shut up. Polymorph or ...
particularly if you get yourself wet first. They’re reasonably inexpensive and work well, although I recommend spending a bit more than for the cheap ones at the dollar store.This oneis big enough to reach more than one part of your body at a time and can help you get ...
In 2020 I began overseeing product content for them all. When I bought my first house seven years ago my love of interiors suddenly became a lot more hands on. It is an ongoing project but I have put our advice to good use, tiling a bathroom wall and converting my attic. Zara ...
If the house has reached the second level, more treatment is needed but you will be able to get control. The third level of infestation involves the most work and greater time to get under control. For all levels, expect to do outside applications involving our granules and spray. This ...
It can sometimes be easy to spot a roof leak. A water spot on the ceiling is a telltale sign of a leak. Sometimes it's a moldy or musty smell in your home's attic or top floor. Other times, though, you may not even know that your roof leaks for months or even years. ...
How to Find How Long a House Has Been on the Market Personal Finance Checklist for Property Inspection Walkthrough Step 4 Add together the square footage of all the nonliving spaces. Deduct the total from the home's overall square footage. The resulting figure is the home's living space squa...
turns out it had nothing to do with books at all and each of the rooms in the inn had one = a little house to hide the television from constant view… we got some chuckles out of that and then did a search and found a “real” Little Free Library a couple of miles away in fron...
Hexagon How-to My crochet Hexagons, I am LOVING them right now, can't get enough. For a brief spell I fell out of love, I got fed up with the fiddlesomeness of them, the fact that they are very hard to do whilst simultaneously doing anything else (like drinking cappuccino and natte...