After adjusting for potential variables, the researchers found that every decade of abstinence from alcohol was associatedwith an approximately 20 percent lower rate of AF, regardless of the type of alcohol consumed, such as beer, wine or liquor. How serious is paroxysmal atrial fibrillation? In t...
Theory-based abstinence-only intervention may delay sexual initiation among black urban youth This study reports on a cross-sectional survey with self-report that was designed to (i) describe serostatus disclosure to recent sex partners among a multi-ethnic group of HIV-infected men; (ii) explore...
New skaters must practice hill abstinence. Just say no — to hills! Skate Coach: Kathy McSparran's Column Can Help Get You Rolling and Make You a Better Skater - Certified inline instructor Kathy McSparran has a passion for skating, a knack for teaching and a way with words. In her ...
Sex and physical pleasure are good, abstinence and the spiritual life are spurned. It’s not surprising that a Jew-whore like Sarah Silverman (isn’t it interesting how the Jews like to put the words “silver” and “gold” and precious jewels in their names — Goldberg, Goldstein, ...