I'd like to review briefly settings of language use. By settings, I mean the scene in which language use takes place, plus the medium - which refers to whether language use is spoken or written. And in this talk, I'll focus on spoken settings. ...
1.Students at Yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most ...
Here’s what it’s like talking to an uninteresting person: Uninteresting people are lazy. They don’t do interesting things. They don’t think interesting thoughts. They expect you to do all the talking. They want to be entertained by the people around them. But it doesn’t have to be...
And in particular, it seems like there's sort of three big buckets that we can put a lot of conversations into. There's conversations that are practical. I want to decide where we're going to dinner tonight or what we should do about the fact that Jimmy can't get his homework in on...
Some company and product names can turn out to be an insult in another language. Research online to make sure that your preferred name doesn't translate to something offensive. You might also decide to test similar-sounding words with different spellings, and to check with people who speak th...
It’s possible to imagine a future world where we can easily communicate with our devices. But reading and writing are still powerful tools. For one, most people read faster than they speak. A podcaster or audiobook teller speaks at around 150 to 160 words per minute, while a strong ...
One of the strangest is that the founders find themselves able to speak more freely with founders of other companies than with their own employees.3 另一个将独立思考的人和从众思考的人捆绑在一起的地方是成功的初创企业。创始人和早期员工几乎都是独立思考的人,否则初创企业不可能取得成功。但从众思考...
Have a lot of things to say? Consider using an abbreviation for your brand name. It will enable you to incorporate a phrase or multiple words that don’t tie together naturally. For example, while you may think IKEA is a Swedish word meaning, “put-it-together-yourself-and-feel-like-you...
And don’t speak just to hear yourself talk! Thomas then presents the Virgin Mary as a model of what it is to both “respond prudently” and “meditate attentively.” After all, “Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart” (Luke 2:19). Thomas quotes “a certain Greek...
I prefer to speak of the awakening of human consciousness, rather than speak about how to become more spiritual. One can be more and more spiritual, and yet not be awake. What do I mean by awakening? Most of us live almost exclusively within the world of the mind. This means that we...