P1012017-01-17 How to Pronounce the American R - American English pronunciation less 06:54 P1022017-01-18 What to say when you meet someone for the first time - Small Talk in 21:49 P1032017-01-19 Fun with phrasal verbs in English - Speak English with Christina 18:03 P1042017-01-20...
P7007. American Pronunciation with a Native Speaker Teacher - S Sounds - for all E 01:30 P8008. 1 Secret to Speaking English like a Native (it's not what you think!) 02:33 P9009. How Native English Speakers Talk on the Telephone - Learn to Speak Fluently 02:38 P10010. Go Natural...
no obligations. No structure to live in. Some people like having a lot of structure in their lives, and others hate structure. I, myself, like some structure, set working hours, and of course, having kids requires structure because of their needs and their routines. Let’s see that examp...
In this English lesson, we’re going to study real English conversation as I bake cookies with my friend Laura. Wow, must be good guys! I’m Rachel, and I’ve been teaching English and the American accent on YouTube for over 15 years. Get my free course, the Top 3 Ways to Master...
579 How to Speak How to Liste by:Megan_Bi 8.1万 How to American by:上善若水dyli 2486 How to fight by:糖喵喵的小叮当 828 How to Talk to Anyone by: 45.5万 How to talk to anyone by:Robbin的书屋 1.9万 How not to die by:meiken_song 1.4万 How to learn English by:昌明河边的银杏叶...
British accents are widespread in popular culture, partly owing to the success of franchises like "Doctor Who" and "Harry Potter" and the tendency of American directors to cast foreign roles in American films with British actors. However, attempts by nonnatives to speak with British accents typi...
However, Iseealotofmystudents, becausethey'renotusedtothe 'th', they'recompensatingforthisweirdsoundwithtensingupeverythingaroundyourtongue.然而,我看到我的很多学生,因为他们不习惯发“th”这个音,他们用紧绷舌头周围的一切来发出这个奇怪的音。Sothey'lldosomethinglikethis, 'TH'.所以他们的发音是这样的...
how to speak Spanish ( hau tu spik spah - nihsh) intransitive verb phrase 1. (general) a. cómo hablar español Can you teach me how to speak Spanish without an American accent?¿Me puedes enseñar cómo hablar español sin acento estadounidense?
Learning how to speak English like a native speaker doesn't have to be harder than it should be. In this post, I'll take you through the best tips to help you sound like a native when you use English in your everyday conversations. I'll also mention a fe
Tips : 1. Don't speak faster 2. Stress the key word 3. Don't link between thought group Rule Two : Linking Consonant to Consonant RULE : 1. Pronouncing one consonant and prolong it when its two consonant I.E. : Likes swim---like-swim Next time---nex-time 2. Link consonant that ...