In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), the syntax to summon a cold frog using the/summon commandis: /summon frog [pos] {variant:cold} Definitions posorx y zis optional. It is thex y z coordinatewhere the cold frog should spawn. If no coordinate is specified, the cold frog will spawn i...
As you might already know, Minecraft has three types of frogs depending upon the climate of the biome they spawn in –temperate, cold, and warm. Along the same lines, we have three types of froglight in the game. Each frog drops a different variant of the froglight. So, you can get ...
If you fancy yourself to be a bit of a Minecraft animal farmer, then a lead will be one of your most important tools. This guide shows you exactly how to make a lead in Minecraft, what mobs they can be used on, and how they work ...
Finally, you canhover over thegreen boxesin the seed map to find slime chunks. Their coordinates will appear at thebottom left cornerof the map. You should try to locate slime chunks closer to your spawn point to make the farm easier to build. The spawn point is indicated by intersecting ...
As the water heats up, Bass move away from the shore to spawn. In the deep water, you’ll find them around well-protected structures, deep holes, ledges, and drop-offs. The bite is still on, but the catch and release of spawning fish is always recommended. ...