If you’re going to start seeds early, sow the seeds in pots under the protection of a greenhouse, hoop house, or cold frame. This means you can begin sowing three to four weeks before your last frost date, giving you a head start on corn sown outdoors—a huge advantage for areas wit...
10 microgreens to grow How to sow spinach seeds How to grow spinach - sowing spinach in a seed drill Make a shallow drill in well-prepared, fertile soil in a sunny spot and sow your spinach seeds thinly, approximately 1.5cm deep. Cover seeds with soil and water well. If sowing in rows...
When to Plant Turnips For a late spring harvest,sow turnip seeds about 2 to 3 weeks before the average last spring frost date. For an autumn harvest, sow turnips in late summer after summer crops of onions, squash, beans, or sweet corn. ...
You can also cut down the entire stem once most of the pods have ripened and hang it upside down to dry. Secure a paper bag around the plant to catch the seeds as they fall. Some people prefer to dry roast the seeds in a pan to promote longer storage. I only dry mine naturally an...
A good example of intercropping is to grow a crop of spring onions or lettuce between tomatoes. Spinach or radishes can easily be planted between sweetcorn or cabbages. Intercropping can also be used to increase productivity. It ensures that no space is left unused and makes the most efficient...
Sow 1-2 seeds per cell in standard trays or use soil blocks. Sow seeds about a ¼-½ inch deep. After germination, thin to one seedling per cell. Snip the extras; don’t pull them, or you might damage the roots of the remaining plants. ...
When to Plant Turnips For a late spring harvest,sow turnip seeds about 2 to 3 weeks before the average last spring frost date. For an autumn harvest, sow turnips in late summer after summer crops of onions, squash, beans, or sweet corn. ...