USDA zones 9-11) at home. It might take some time for the lemon seeds you grow indoors to produce fruit, typically six to seven years. And it's also important
Sowing Sunflower SeedsThe best time to sow sunflower seeds is once the frost risk has passed and the soil temperature is at least 50°F (10°C). Too cold soil may put them in a dormant state, delaying germination. To ensure healthy and uniform germination, also take care of the proper...
and the fruits may not resemble the lemon from which you extracted the seed to start your tree. Start by finding a home-grown lemon or organic store-bought lemon. Keep in mind that commercially grown, nonorganic lemons generally have seeds that won...
Sunflowers can be annual or perennial. The tall, often single-stemmed varieties we grow in our gardens tend to be annual sunflowers, while perennial sunflowers are known by their botanical nameHelianthus, and include the lovely variety 'Lemon Queen'. ...
If you wish to start seeds indoors, start seeds in peat pots 2 to 4 weeks before your last spring frost; note that squash seedlings do not always transplant well; handle the roots gently. Fill pots or plug trays with potting mix and sow one seed per pot or plug on its edge. They wi...
Carrot seeds are small, brown, and light in weight. Moisten the soil before planting and sow the seeds in rows. Cover the seeds with a¼ inchoflight, loose soilto prevent the seeds from floating or blowing away.Space your carrot rows12 to 18 inches apart, and sow the seeds about 1 ...
Sow seed in individual containers or flats. Sow eggplant seed ¼ to ½ inch (12mm) deep and spaced 4 to 5 inches (10-12cm) apart. Sow seeds in a moistened seed starting mix. Place a plastic dome or plastic wrap over the seed starting tray to retain warmth and moisture until seedlin...
Carrots are among the easiest garden vegetables to grow—and the most bountiful–given the right conditions. Carrot culture is very simple. Sow the seeds rather thickly and thin the plants to 3 to 4 inches apart. If the soil is nutrient-rich and loose, there will be no trouble with root...
HOW TO PLANT VERBENAPhoto by: Stephanie Frey / Shutterstock. When to plant: Midspring or early summer, after the threat of frost has passed. Growing from seed: You can grow some types from seed, with the exception of non-seeding hybrids. Sow seeds indoors 8 to 10 weeks before the ...
Sowing Seeds in the Vegetable Garden Fall Tasks: Harvest, Store&Plant When to Transplant When to transplant depends on the plant. Some plants, such as spinach, are cool-season crops, which means that they should be planted before outdoor temperatures get too warm. Others, like tomatoes and ...