➤ Select Cell Color from the Sort On list. ➤ Under the Order bar, choose an order of color that will be on top of the selected table. ➤ Press OK. You will see that the table data is sorted by blue rows on top. But the green and orange rows are yet to be sorted. To ...
When using a worksheet, you might color-code rows or cells to enhance readability. If you need to sort these cells by color, Excel's sort function can efficiently organize your data based on color. Here's how to do it: 1. Select the range of data you want to sort by color. ...
As you have already seen that you also have the option to sort a column based on the font color. So, make sure to apply the filter on the column you want to sort using the font color. Open the Filter from the column header, and then, hover over or find the “Sort by Color” opt...
In this tutorial, I will show you different scenarios where you can sort by color and the exact steps you need to do this in Excel.
ToSort by, click the drop-down arrow and select the column header (In this case,Revenue) that you want to sort by the colors of the cells of that column. ForSort on values, selectCell Colorsand forOrder, select your first cell colorRed. Keep the Order value asOn Top. ...
Suppose you have a dataset as shown below and you want to sort by color and get all the red cells at the top.Below are the steps to sort by color:Select the entire dataset Click the Data tab Click the Sort icon. This will open the Sort dialog box. In the Sort dialog box, make ...
In this example, we are going to see how to sort the data by color. You can download this Sort by color Excel Template here –Sort by color Excel Template Example #1: Sort By Cell Color let’s consider the sales data, which has several categories like product name, Brand, MRP, Selling...
cells by color in Excel. If you've had a chance to read that article, you may wonder why we neglected to show how to filter and sort cells by color. The reason is that sorting by color in Excel requires a bit different technique, and this is exactly what we are doing to do right...
Hi,I have to color rows of information in an Excel spreadsheet, but when I sort the data, the blank columns on the right do not sort. This makes the whole...
Anyone can organize their closet by color--all it takes is a little know-how! In this blog post, I'll show you how to do it like a pro, with tips and tricks that will make the process easy and fun.