Click the drop-down icon next to the column heading labeled Sales. Choose Sort Smallest to Largest. This command will arrange the filtered data in ascending order. By following these steps, you can easily sort filtered data in ascending order within Excel. Read More: How to Sort by Color in...
SORTBY(B5:D20,DAY(D5:D20),1) →sorts the data setB5:D20according to the days of the datesD5:D20, in ascending order. PressENTER. You can see the result in cellsF5:H19. Method 6 – Using SORTBY and YEAR Functions to Sort by Years in Excel Steps: Type the following formula in...
[by_array2…]:The range of cells or array of values to apply the second sort by. This argument is optional; you can exclude this if you only need one sort column. [sort_order2]:the sort order to apply to theBy_array2. Uses the same values as sort_order1, where 1= ascending, -...
Click on the column, then Home>Sort and filter> Sort Oldest to Newest Step 3:Within the "Sort & Filter" menu, choose the option "Sort Oldest to Newest." Or “Sort Newest to Oldest’’ based on your preference. This option will instruct Excel to sort the selected columns in ascending o...
Sort by NumberSay you have the data shown below, an unsorted list of numbers in Column B. Let’s use this example to show how to sort by number.To sort the numbers in ascending order, use the sort command in Excel. Select the column to sort, and in the ...
In Excel, the Sort function can help you to sort date in ascending or descending order as you need. But it isn’t dynamic, if you have sorted the date and then add new date to it, you would need to sort it again. Are there any good and quick ways to auto-sort dates when enterin...
Sorting in Excel is one of the most frequently used commands for data analysis. When handling a large amount of data, sorting makes the data set easier to comprehend by organizing the data in specific, designated ways. Excel allows users to sort both text and numbers in ascending order, de...
3. Press theF5key to run this macro. In the following prompt box, clickYes, all the worksheets will be sorted by ascending alphabetical order; and clickNo, all the worksheets will be sorted by descending alphabetical order. Sort worksheets in alphabetical / alphanumeric order with Kutools for...
How to sort data by year in Excel When it comes to sorting by year, the easiest way is toarrange dates in chronological orderwith Excel's ascending sort (Oldest to Newest) option. This will sort dates by year, then by month, and then by day as shown in the screenshot below. ...
Excel sort by date not working How to sort dates in chronological order Arranging dates in chronological order in Excel is very easy. You just use the standardAscending Sortoption: Select the dates you want to sort chronologically. On theHometab, in theFormatsgroup, clickSort & Filterand selec...